Wednesday 5 February 2014

Welcome To My Journey

Hello, Hey, Hiya, Greetings, Blessings, What's up peeps? Thank you for stopping by. I'm Cherelle, I'm from London, I'm a mother, small business owner and I have locs and tattoos. A few months ago whilst procrastinating (and being a pervert) I googled 'men with locs and tattoos' and started posting said photos on my instagram page. I didn't want to be one of those annoying people constantly posting random pics so I decided to set up a separate account dedicated to locs and tattoos - @LocsNTatts. This started out as some harmless fun where I could have somewhere to save all of my favourite pics but who knew that through instagram and facebook I could meet and connect with some AWESOME individuals, share hair and tattoo tips & recommendations and attend some inspiring events. So now I bring you the Locs 'N Tatts blog where I'll be sharing tips, videos, styles, ink, features, events and much more both in the UK and internationally.

Please, please, please feel free to INTERACT with me. Send me questions, share your own tips, send me pics of your locs and tattoos etc. You can contact me on Facebook, Twitter or Email me.

I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you all.

Stay Blessed

Cherelle xoxo

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