Friday 13 June 2014

My Two-Pence on Blue Ivy's Hair

I've wanted to write a post about Blue Ivy's hair for sooooo long. I just didn't know where to begin. The issues surrounding black women's hair are so complex that there's just no way that it can be tackled in a few paragraphs. I was scanning Facebook about a year ago as I do most days when I have shit loads of work to do yet find myself procrastinating, when I came across a pic of Blue Ivy Carter out in Paris with her parents.
Beyonce, Jay Z & Blue Ivy having Lunch in Paris
Beyoncé, Jay-Z & Blue Ivy having Lunch in Paris last year
Didn't think much about it until I read the comments. Anything Beyoncé related is always surrounded by controversy. You have the unashamed Stans who will defend everything Beyoncé related to death from her lace-fronts to her toe nails, and then there's the conspiracy theorists who will tell anybody and their mother that Beyoncé is part of the Illuminati and is only so successful because she has sold her soul to the devil. Now anybody who knows me personally knows which side I play for. After my behaviour at the Sound of Change concert, where I pushed many queens out of the way to get as close as possible to Beyoncé just in case she handed the mic to me so I could do her backing vocals for 'Love On Top' made me realise that I might be borderline Stan, but that's neither here nor there. I digress. Beyoncé fan or not, I was disgusted by the ridiculous amount of comments about Blue Ivy's hair being 'nappy' and 'wild'.

Really? People are arguing over a toddler's hair? This picture kept popping up on my timeline that day and subsequent photos have popped up during the weeks and months that followed, mostly on natural hair pages. This is what confused me the most, you've got BLACK women who are advocates for natural hair, criticising Bey and Jay for leaving THEIR daughter's hair in it's natural state??? How does that even make sense? These are the same people who are constantly praising Solange Knowles for embracing her natural hair and for having a style that's completely opposite to her sister. Obviously it isn't just sistas with natural hair making these comments, but most of the pages I follow on social media are some how related to natural hair/lifestyle so that's what constantly appears in my news feed or timeline.

As a mother of a daughter a few weeks older than Blue Ivy, all of this just doesn't sit right with me. Obviously Beyoncé and Jay-Z are a superstar power couple, every single thing they do or say is under a microscope so of course the world will be watching their daughter closely as she grows up. I just think that some things are off limits though. Regardless of being one of the most famous 2 year olds in the world, she is just that, a 2 year old. A little black girl that all these blog posts, facebook status' and now a PETITION are saying that she has 'bad hair' and she isn't enough. As if we as black women/girls don't face enough struggles, aren't constantly told by society that our full lips and broad noses are ugly and our thick hair is 'bad', now sistas are picking on a baby? Come on, do better. The same people criticising Beyoncé for looking too European are attacking her daughter for having black hair? To quote the ridiculous petition "This matter has escalated to the child developing matted dreads and lint balls." Maybe they're locing her hair, maybe they're not. It's nobody's business. Some of you are acting like you want the child to look like this:

I wonder if any of these people who signed the petition have ever tried doing a 2 year old's hair? It's incredibly time consuming, they don't sit still and it hurts them. Every black woman (and most black men) know the struggle of having their hair done as child, having your scalp greased with dax or blue magic and the comb dragged through your hair. Maybe Beyoncé is sparing Blue Ivy that pain. Maybe she's too busy showing Blue the world to care about her hair, I know that child more stamps in her passport than most adults. Or maybe, just maybe it's NOBODY'S GOD DAMN BUSINESS!!

Monday 17 February 2014

Sunday Spotlight - Danyelle Barnes

This weeks Sunday Spotlight is Danyelle Barnes. Her loc journey began while she was in college. 

Locs 'N Tatts: how old are you and where are you from?

Danyelle: I'm 25 years old and I'm from Maryland, but I've lived in Virginia since 2007. The little town I'm from is about 20 miles north of Baltimore, MD.

Locs 'N Tatts: How long have you had locs for?

Danyelle: had them for about 3.5 years. I got them in July 2010.

Locs 'N Tatts: Same as me, I started mine on the 26th I believe.

Danyelle: I saw you have purple, that's the color I want next.

Locs 'N Tatts: It's actually a reddish brown now, I dyed it a few weeks ago. Definitely try purple, it's cool and funky. Do you find that your locs are really dry now that you dye them?

Danyelle: Well, I always had dry hair but I'm a bit more conscious of it and make sure I moisturize more. Not cute walking around with flakes everywhere.

Locs 'N Tatts: What oils/products do you use to combat dryness?

Danyelle: Right now, I'm using jojoba oil, tea tree oil. I look for things for products that have a thicker content to actually get into my scalp, but at the same time will not leave residue.

Locs 'N Tatts: Tea Tree oil is great for dry scalp. How often do you oil your scalp?

Danyelle: The tea tea stuff I have is like a cream so I do that a few times a week, but the joboba oil I do every day, maybe more depending on the type of style I have if have those hard to reach places.

Locs 'N Tatts: Ah yes, nothing like trying to oil your scalp when your locs are styled. What inspired you to loc your hair?

Danyelle: Well, I had been natural for sometime, but I just wanted to do something different. Was to scared to chop my hair off, so why not try locs. First time I made a decision and didn't really care what anybody thought. I love the versatility and uniqueness of locs. No one's locs look the same. I can do the same thing with my locs that others can do with their natural hair. A lot of people think that you can't do much with them. False. I'm about to be corny, but locs are like snowflakes, no 2 are the same. During my journey, I've learned patience, that I actually have 'good hair',  and that it's okay if every loc isn't in the right place. The messier the better.

Locs 'N Tatts: Locs are very versatile, I didn't actually realise how much until I started mine. Did you have a positive or negative reaction to you starting locs from your family & friends?

Danyelle: It was positive for the most part. I just know when I'm going home that I either already need to have a fresh retwist or make an appointment. I don't like to go too long letting them go, but I'm just lazy sometimes. Most times I do my own hair, and now that they are getting longer faster, it takes longer to retwist. 

Locs 'N Tatts: How long does it take you to retwist yourself?

Danyelle: At one point I could do it in an hour, especially if I was on a time crunch, but even it still doesn't take more than 2 hours. Just watch a good movie, and time flies by but your arms hurt.

Locs 'N Tatts: Wow! It takes me the best part of a day to retwist mine. I'm going to try that and just sit there catching up on my shows. You have tattoos as well as locs, how many do you have?

Danyelle: Only 2, itching for more.
Locs 'N Tatts: Same here, where are yours and what are they of?

Danyelle: On my arm and on my wrist. On my arm is a track shoe, I ran in high school and some of college. On my wrist is a West African symbol meaning Love never loses its way home.

Locs 'N Tatts: Awesome, I have a West African symbol on the back of my neck, a Sankofa. What will you get next and where?

Danyelle: Great question! Not exactly sure but I like things to kind of go together, so something dealing with family, things I enjoy, words of wisdom. I really want a half sleeve. Although it has been years since my last tattoo, the needle and I are not strangers. I'm so indecisive when it comes to placement, size, artist, etc.

Locs 'N Tatts: Makes sense, tattoos tell a story, no point in getting something random. Have you had any negative reactions to you having tattoos?

Danyelle: No, can't see them most of the time. So a lot of people don't know that I have them.

You can find Danyelle on instagram - @Dany_TheMeanOn3

Sunday 9 February 2014

Sunday Spotlight - Keisha Charmaine

The first Sunday Spotlight is the beautiful Keisha Charmaine from Queens, NY. Keisha was raised in Brooklyn, NY with Guyanese heritage. Keisha has a beautiful crown full of locs and tattoos, she shares some great tips for loc styles and maintenance on her YouTube channel.

Locs 'N Tatts: First off Keisha, how old are you and where are you from?

Keisha: 22. Raised in Brooklyn, NY. Family from Guyana, South America. I've recently moved to Queens, NY.

Locs 'N Tatts: Were you born in NY or Guyana?

Keisha: Actually I was born in Maryland. My dad was in the US Air Force so we lived a bunch of places.

Locs 'N Tatts: Oh I see, so how long have you had locs for?

Keisha: 3 years and 8 months.

Locs 'N Tatts: Just a little longer than me. What inspired you to loc your hair?

Keisha: I've always thought locs were beautiful. Several people in my family have them. Locs make me feel more connected to my Caribbean and African heritage. I was tired of perms.

Locs 'N Tatts: Did you have a positive or negative reaction to you starting locs from your family & friends? I have family members with locs but still had a few negative comments.

Keisha: My closest friends and family were very supportive but other friends and family members thought I would give up and not stick with it. They also thought I shouldn't have cut my "long beautiful straight hair".

Locs 'N Tatts: And how are they about your hair now?

Keisha: Now that it's a bit long, they like it. It's something about black people's obsession with long hair I think.

Locs 'N Tatts: Yeah it's like long hair equals beauty. Long straight hair actually. How often do you maintain/style your locs and what products do you use?

Keisha: As my hair has gotten longer my maintenance has gotten less and less. I was weekly to bi weekly. I retwist every 3 weeks on average. I use eco styler gel for my retwists. For moisture retension I use olive oil and coconut oil mostly.

Locs 'N Tatts: Do you do your hair yourself or go to a salon?

Keisha: I've gone to the salon to start my locs and once again when I turned 21. I do my own hair.

Locs 'N Tatts: Did somebody teach you how to do it or did you teach yourself?

Keisha: I learned from YouTube videos.

Locs 'N Tatts: Ah yes, got to love YouTube for that. You have your own channel, right?

Keisha: Sure do. I've been documenting my journey from day one.

Locs 'N Tatts: In hindsight I really wish I had done that, it will be a lovely thing to look back on.

Keisha: Yes it's kinda crazy that I can look back and see the stages I went through. I wouldn't remember otherwise.

Locs 'N Tatts: How long have you been blonde for? Have you experimented with other colours?

Keisha: I've been blonde since my 22nd birthday. So since March. I've played with various shades of red prior.

Locs 'N Tatts: Oh cool, I had red before the purple, I might try blonde next. As you know I love locs, but I also love tattoos too. How many do you have?

Keisha: I have 3. They are all on my left arm. I may create a half sleeve

Locs 'N Tatts: Nice. And how did you family and friends react to the combination of locs and tatts? Both are so beautiful yet can be received so negatively.

Keisha: They point out the artist look that it gives me. Sometimes my mom stresses that I cover my arm until I'm stable in my career. I'd rather get comfortable in a career that accepts my look.

Locs 'N Tatts: I hear that, no sense in conforming to a style that is deemed 'acceptable' in the workplace if you're not being true to yourself. What kind of field do you want to work in?

Keisha: Right now I'm in the education field. I'm not sure if this is where I want to stay though. I'm trying to figure that out before I go to grad school. I work with high school seniors, helping them get into college.

Locs 'N Tatts: You have time to figure it all out.

Keisha: True.

You can find Keisha on YouTube and on Instagram @killadoesthat

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Welcome To My Journey

Hello, Hey, Hiya, Greetings, Blessings, What's up peeps? Thank you for stopping by. I'm Cherelle, I'm from London, I'm a mother, small business owner and I have locs and tattoos. A few months ago whilst procrastinating (and being a pervert) I googled 'men with locs and tattoos' and started posting said photos on my instagram page. I didn't want to be one of those annoying people constantly posting random pics so I decided to set up a separate account dedicated to locs and tattoos - @LocsNTatts. This started out as some harmless fun where I could have somewhere to save all of my favourite pics but who knew that through instagram and facebook I could meet and connect with some AWESOME individuals, share hair and tattoo tips & recommendations and attend some inspiring events. So now I bring you the Locs 'N Tatts blog where I'll be sharing tips, videos, styles, ink, features, events and much more both in the UK and internationally.

Please, please, please feel free to INTERACT with me. Send me questions, share your own tips, send me pics of your locs and tattoos etc. You can contact me on Facebook, Twitter or Email me.

I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you all.

Stay Blessed

Cherelle xoxo